
Sunday, March 30, 2014

#jimrosecircus HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR BIO

Musicians success usually isn’t measured solely by their music. Their reputation and image come into play as well.  
Here are some tips to improve your bands bio. 


Thursday, March 27, 2014


We have all seen bands make hay out of being anti-establishment. They revel in thumbing their noses to the music industry and the fans eat it up. I assure you they weren't anti-establishment until they were hooked up to the big machine that creates the fame. 

Rage Against The Machine opened for me and it was one of their first live gigs ever. They did no raging and in fact while thanking me they said something to the effect of: "If we ever get famous we won't forget this, Jim". Of course other than Tom the guitarist I've never seen or heard from any of them since. Seeing Tom doesn't mean much because he goes to a lot of social events. 
I will say that Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam were more from the heart about the anti-establishment ramblings, but there were angles and other motives connected to them as well. I know this to be true because Eddie and I were pretty close friends back in his angst days. 

I love Eddie, Tom, Rage and Pearl Jam. My point is that a band that is anti-establishment before gaining fame is doomed to failure because the actual number of people who can make or break careers these days is less than 400, and everyone knows each other. 

If a band causes trouble and has no fame leverage, word spreads quick and top shelf entertainment bizz people will have nothing to do with them. Those bands are in effect over. They can still do a few regional small shows and pretend to be rock stars, but any chance at a bite of the big apple is gone. It sucks too because I've seen really talented artists get labeled as trouble and deep down they weren't. They were playing a role; their mistake was playing it too soon.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

#jimrosecircus new artist DIY tips

One thing that I see time and time again on tours with other DIY bands is the blurring of the line between business and creative on the way up.  When you are on tour with a band, make friends with them, hang out with them, party with them, whatever… but don’t turn every hang into a networking meeting.  From what I’ve seen, it never works as well as a band thinks it will.  A lot of times they don’t make a lot of the decisions anyway (because they aren’t a DIY like you… They have higher ups to answer to).  If their manager is around, THEN put on your business hat.  If you’re hanging out, grabbing a beer with the headliner after a show, just hang… Don’t start selling yourself for other tours or collaborations.  All that fun stuff happens with time and with a good relationship. 
Finally, this is a full time job.  If you’re going to “do it yourself”, expect to do A LOT more work than if you were just going to be on some label where they do the work for you.  Lots of emails, late nights, early mornings, hiring, firing, failing, problem solving, budgeting… PLUS the creating, writing, performing, practicing, interviews, photo shoots, video shoots… EVERYTHING.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014


"Knowing how to promote your band is the first step towards the achievement of your goals in the music industry. As a musician, your goal is to progress in the local scene and the entire music industry. However, promoting a band is not a simple task. It requires amount of effort that is similar to that of creating your music. Nevertheless, there are simple ideas that you can follow while promoting your band to realize the desired results."  

Click on the link below to check out the 60 top tips on how to promote your band: 